Modèle R22 Beta II
L’hélicoptère biplace R22 Beta II est une bête de somme qui a fait ses preuves et qui offre des performances exceptionnelles dans diverses applications depuis plus de trente ans.
Le R22 est doté d’un système de rotor à deux pales, d’un système cyclique à barre en T et de la toute dernière technologie Robinson, notamment des réservoirs à carburant avec membranes, résistants aux chocs.
Une structure en tube d’acier fournit une cellule légère mais rigide, tandis que le fuselage aérodynamique de l’appareil optimise la vitesse et l’économie de carburant.
Le R22 est propulsé par le moteur O-360 éprouvé de Lycoming, conçu pour fournir de meilleures performances à hautes altitudes et par temps chaud.
Prix et équipement
Les coûts d'exploitation
cliquez sur l’image pour voir toutes les caractéristiques
Spécifications et dimensions
Helicopter | R22 Beta II |
Engine | Lycoming O-360, four cylinder |
Horsepower | Derated to 131 hp for takeoff and 124 continuous |
Maximum Gross Weight | 1370 lb (622 kg) |
Approximate Empty Weight (including oil & standard avionics) | 880 lb (399 kg) |
Standard Fuel (16.9 gal) | 101 lb (46 kg) |
Auxiliary Fuel (9.4 gal) | 56 lb (25 kg) |
Pilot, Passenger, and Baggage (with standard fuel) | 389 lb (176 kg) |
Max Airspeed (Vne) | 102 kts (189 km/h) |
Cruise Speed | up to 96 kts (178 km/h) |
Maximum Range (no reserve) | approx 250 nm (460 km) |
Hover Ceiling IGE at 1370 lb | 9400 ft |
Hover Ceiling OGE at 1300 lb | 8000 ft |
Maximum Operating Altitude | 14,000 ft |
Electrical System | 14 volt |

Equipement & Accessoires
- Leather seats
- Cabin heater & defogger (dual forward outlets)
- Engine priming system
- Xenon HID landing lights
- Metallized upper sheave (replaces standard sheave)
- Lightweight battery, 15 amp hour (replaces standard battery)
- Second hourmeter, oil-pressure-activated
- Six-hole instrument panel
- RPM throttle governor
- Throttle correlator
- Carburetor heat assist
- Main and auxiliary crashworthy fuel bladder tanks
- Engine oil filter and quick drain
- Removable dual controls
- Rotor brake
- Intercom switches
- Avionics master switch
- Tinted windows
- Fabric velour seats
- 3-point shoulder harnesses
- Door locks
- Engine muffler
- Sound damping headliner
- Underseat storage
- Belly hardpoint
- LED anti-collision and navigation lights
- Dual landing lights
- LED panel and map lights
- Tow cart adapter
- Ground handling wheels
- Rotor blade tie downs
- Windshield cover
- Travel bag
- Upper sheave
- GPS Fleet Tracking Spidertracks S6
- David Clark H10-13H (custom cord)
- Bose A20 headset with Bluetooth
- 6-pin jack for Bose headset (headset not included)
- Fire extinguisher (fly away delivery only)
- Bracket for fire extinguisher
- Accessories support bar with power plug and dual USB ports (pilot side)
- Accessories support bar with power plug and dual USB ports (left side)
- Garmin Flightstream 510 card (exchange for standard database card)
- Leather seat back booster cushion
- Velour seat back booster cushion
MT950-2 universal tow cart
- PFD, Aspen Avionics EFD1000H Pilot (with slaved D.G.)
- PFD, Aspen Avionics EFD1000H Pro with HSI (requires GPS)
- Garmin GI-106B
- Kelly Mfg RCA2600-3 Artificial Horizon with Slip Skid
- Kelly Mfg RCA2600-3 Artificial Horizon with Slip Skid, windshield mount
- Artificial Horizon, Mid-Continent 4300 with Slip Skid (mechanical gyro)
- Directional Gyro, Mid-Continent 3300 (mechanical gyro)
- Turn Coordinator, Mid-Continent (mechanical gyro)
- Vertical Compass, PAI-700 (replaces standard compass)
- Digital Chronometer, Davtron 800 (replaces standard clock)
- Millibar Altimeter (replaces standard in-Hg)
- Meter Altimeter (replaces standard in-Hg)
- IVSI – Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (replaces standard VSI)
- Airspeed indicator
- Altimeter
- Rotor/engine dual tachometer
- Manifold pressure gage
- Vertical speed indicator
- Magnetic compass
- Gage panel
- Ammeter
- Carburetor temperature gage
- Digital OAT gage/voltmeter
- Hourmeter
- Quartz clock
cliquez sur l’image pour voir toutes les caractéristiques
Avionique standard

Stereo Intercom System, Single COM

Garmin GTR 225B COM Radio

Garmin GTX 335 Transponder w ADS-B Out
Avionique en option

Garmin GMA 350Hc Audio Panel

Garmin GTN 635 GPS/COM

Garmin GTN 650 GPS/COM/NAV

Avidyne IFD440 (without NAV)

Garmin GTX 345 Transponder with ADS-B Out/In

FreeFlight RA4000/ RA4500 Radar Altimeter

Kannad 406 Integra AF-406 MHz ELT