HelicoStore got involved during the charity day benefiting the “Operation Sun Child” foundation. Many donations were made thanks to the support of Camping “La clé des champs and the Martel family with TML Polissage and their helicopter”.
Nice proof of support. </ h3>
Nice proof of support. </ h3>
The smile of the children in flight, it is what is better !!!
Superb day, a big thank you again to all volunteers!
Photos taken by Capture and with the collaboration of Frédérik Boudreault </ pre>
Health, the most beautiful heritage to be passed on to Quebec children </ h3>
Anxious to offer Quebeckers various options to express their support for sick children, Opération Enfant Soleil is launching its planned giving program. This will allow our donors to leave a legacy of the importance they place on the health of children.

“You can help children, like me, for many years and even change their lives! Encourages Pier-Olivier Provencher, age 14, Enfant Soleil and ambassador of the planned giving program. </ Blockquote>
What is a planned gift? </ h4>
A “planned gift” means any gift, immediate or future, that is subject to financial, tax or estate planning, and takes into account the personal circumstances of the donor. Whether it is a testamentary gift (securities or real estate) or a gift of life insurance allowing him to benefit today from a tax credit or to benefit from it. succession, the possibilities are numerous.
Make a concrete gesture with confidence </ h4>
Appreciated for its reliability and transparency, Opération Enfant Soleil now offers the possibility of creating a personalized endowment fund, named according to the choice of the donor. It is thus possible for you to survive the memory of a loved one while ensuring the sustainability of the body.
In accordance with Opération Enfant Soleil’s donation policy, the donor can choose how his planned donation can concretely count by investing in one of the following three sectors: the acquisition of advanced technological equipment, improving the child’s hospital experience or providing more care close to home.
Members of the Planned Giving Committee </ h4>
Operation Enfant Soleil is fortunate to have a committee of volunteer experts who have greatly contributed to the implementation of this program:
- Ms. Marie Beauvais, Advisor, La Capitale Life Insurance </ li>
- Maître Maude Caron-Morin, tax lawyer, Joli-Coeur Lacasse </ li>
- Mr. Richard Garneau, actuary, Goulet Garneau, Acturaires Conseils </ li>
- Maître Pascal Hachey, notary </ li>
- Mr. Denis Patry, Senior Director, Taxation, Deloitte </ li>
</ Ul>
Planning a gift can change everything about the goals you want to achieve. It is also the key to ensuring that you make your own decisions about your heritage. For more information on Opération Enfant Soleil’s planned giving program, contact Mrs. Laure Delmarque , Individual and Planned Giving Director 1-877-683-2325, ext. 205.