Once again, HeliStore has organized the HeliClub weekend. The HeliClub Week-End is a great private helicopter owner and user gathering. This year, over two days, 50 helicopters flew to the event. The event happened in the magnificent Laurentian region of Mont-Tremblant (north of Montreal, Québec, Canada).

As one can imagine, there were helicopters as far as eyes can see. We have been honoured with the presence of
Peter Riedl, Robinson Helicopters’ Vice President. We couldn’t ask for a better guest speaker to give us a passionate and committed presentation about the history and development of new product.

Over the course of the event made for private helicopter owners, manufacturers really got involved in improving safety amongst
pilots. Particularly, Robinson Helicopters, Bell Helicopters and Leonardo, who not only offered a dreamlike experience, but also provided valuable insight on pilot decision making.

In association with two piloting schools, Hélicraf and Passport Hélico, we thank them for making our passion for flying as safe as possible. For additional information regarding Heliclub or Helistore, please contact Jean-Charles at

We hope to see you all next year!