We told you about it at Hai 2018, Robinson was working hard on the certification of a freighter for the R66 Turbine. Excellent news, the cargo hook is now also approved in Canada. Perfect for operators, a nice alternative with a maximum total outdoor load of 1200 Lbs and gross weight which has gone from 2700 Lbs to 2900 Lbs!. In addition the solo flight is possible from the right or left with the installation of this cargo Hook. You can also have the new optional bubble. More information, contact us.


The FAA approved Robinson’s R66 cargo hook installation, the R66’s maximum cargo weight increases from 2700 lbs to 2900 lbs.

The cargo hook installation includes an Onboard Systems hook, right and left-seat controls, allowing a left-seat hydraulic switch, and a left-seat start button. A load weight gauge and a second set of engine power gauges (torque and gas temperature) are located in the left door. Provisions for remote control of external equipment (e.g., long line hook or water dropping bucket) are also included.

Robinson is now accepting orders for hook installations on new R66 aircraft. MSRP $ 28,000. ”

Press release taken from Robinson Heli.